By Rebekah Pierce Dec 24, 2021

Are you curious about how to integrate SEO and PPC? Let this post serve as your business’s ultimate guide to online marketing.

Both search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising are valuable tools that all small and large businesses alikes should consider implementing as part of their online marketing strategies. They drive similar goals – increasing website traffic and conversions – yet many marketers treat them as separate strategies.

While it’s important to consider the various benefits and disadvantages of each – and that’s something we’ll do in this post – it’s also important to consider how to integrate SEO and PPC to make both even more effective. We’ll also cover some of the ways the best SEO and PPC companies work together for ultimate success.

By combining SEO and PPC, you can improve the performance of each – there’s strength in teamwork, and that’s especially true when it comes to growing your business via digital marketing.

Here’s what you need to know.

SEO and PPC Synergy: A Way to Grow Your Business

Before we can take a deeper dive into how to integrate SEO and PPC, it’s important to address the question of why you might want to do this in the first place.

As you are probably already aware, data is the lifeblood of your marketing plan. Without good data, you can’t get any insight into which tactics work and which do not – or understand the best ways to reach consumers. You also aren’t aware of the best SEO and PPC companies that can help you meet your goals.

The data you can get from SEO and PPC, especially when they’re used together, can help guide the performance and utilization of both. This kind of integrated marketing approach will help you thrive in a world that is increasingly connected and digital.

If you only look at just SEO or just PPC, you might be missing keywords and search terms from either side that are capable of bringing in lots of new business. You may be missing out on ways that you can improve the customer experience via user design – and the competition might be getting a leg up on you, too.

What is SEO?

If you’re new to digital marketing, then the lingo used in this post might be a bit foreign to you. Without going into too much detail, SEO is simply search engine optimization – it is the set of practices that you can use to improve the appearance and positioning of your website and web pages in organic search results (usually on Google).

Organic search is one of the best ways for people to discover online content as well as local business. Having a good SEO strategy is essential if you want to improve the quantity and quality of traffic to your website and build your business.

Benefits of Local SEO for Small Business

One of the biggest SEO course benefits is that it can help you improve your organic traffic. Visibility in search engines for targeted keywords will place your business in front of potential customers just as if you were to advertise.

Because your brand is more visible, it is easier for you to develop brand awareness as well as credibility and trust. You’ll increase your website traffic, and traffic from organic search is (somewhat, at least) free. You can improve your website traffic and increase the likelihood that those clicks will turn into customers.

This is a benefit of local SEO for small businesses as well as one of the major benefits of eCommerce SEO. Whether you’re trying to encourage customers to come into your local storefront or you want to sell your products online, leveraging the power of SEO will give you a serious strategic advantage. Some of the best SEO and PPC companies work together to do just that.

Limitations of SEO

Of course, SEO does have its limitations. Organic traffic is often slow to come by. No matter how optimized your pages might be, it takes some time for Google bots to pick up on your site and to start ranking it highly. Unfortunately, as slow as this process is, it’s incredibly easy to be outranked by other competitors.

That’s especially true if you’re just starting out and your targeted keywords are showing results dominated by leaders like eBay or worse, Amazon.

Plus, not all companies, especially local businesses, have the assets necessary to achieve strong organic visibility. Safe and sustainable link building can be tough to master, so a lot of support is often needed.

What is PPC?

PPC, or pay-per-click advertising, is a bit different from SEO. In this method, internet advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. This is a way of buying visits to your site.

There are several ways you can go about this, including via regular searches on the top PPC advertising networks (like Google) as well as through email (PPC email marketing) and social media PPC advertising (PPC marketing Facebook is one of the most popular approaches).

A few examples of PPC advertising include:

●       Bing ads

●       Facebook ads

●       Promoted pins on Pinterest

●       LinkedIn ads

●       Quora ads

●       Twitter ads

…and many others.

computer screen showing data results

Pros and Cons of PPC Automation

One of the biggest benefits of PPC automation and marketing is that these are paid efforts and paid search almost always dominates over everything else. You’ll see the paid search ads first, even if you choose to scroll past.

You also have more space for delivering a marketing message, since it’s specifically an ad and not anything else. You can make your ad visual, improving your click-through rate and helping improve your visibility.

Plus, you’ll be able to have a tighter control of your budget – as well as your results. It can be more targeted and provide you with stronger data about your marketing efforts.

That said, PPC can be expensive. It requires constant investing, so if you stop paying for the advertising, the lead generation will stop. SEO takes a lot longer to get going, but it can offer more robust long-term organic traffic.

digital marketing initiatives

How to Integrate SEO and PPC

When considering how to integrate SEO and PPC, it’s best to start small – with simple, actionable baby steps that you can then grow into a larger-scale effort.

How Do SEO and PPC Work Together?

If you’re trying to figure out how to integrate SEO and PPC effectively, here are a few tips you can take advantage of to get you there.

Use PPC Keyword Data When Making SEO Decisions

For many years, Google Ads’ Keyword Planner has been an integral tool for digital marketers. However, for those who are not active advertisers, this is no longer an option.

If you advertise through Google, you can use all kinds of valuable keyword data to inform your PPC efforts. You can see which keywords are best at converting searches to customers, helping you integrate your SEO and PPC efforts all in one place.

Reduce PPC Expenses

You can also use SEO data to lower your PPC expenditures. Some of the best SEO and PPC companies tend to have valuable SEO-related data that can also prove to be helpful when it comes to paid search campaigns.

Regardless of your industry, SEO data can be handed over to PPC teams to figure out which terms are more costly – and which offer a better return on investment.

With this information, you can decide whether to pause expensive keywords, how to identify high-performing long-tail terms, how to target specific geographic areas better and how to enhance your overall sales.

Determine Best Keyword Placements

There are both short-term and long-term SEO and PPC advertising benefits. In the short term, you can figure out which keywords should go where, making day-to-day decisions a bit easier.

Over time, using SEO and PPC together can help you meet loftier, larger long-term marketing goals. You’ll learn the best ways to leverage each to create ads that match content and to develop landing pages that will actually convert visitors into buyers.

Best SEO and PPC Companies to Consider

When considering PPC and SEO, it’s best to consider both in terms of what they can do together for your business – rather than the individual pros and cons of each. After all, it is only by taking advantage of a medley of solutions that you can truly grow your business.

If you’re wondering how to integrate SEO and PPC, it’s time that you invest your time and money in one of the best SEO and PPC companies. Next, make sure you capitalize on those visitors to your website by offering them immediate responses to their questions.

After all the SEO and PPC efforts are successful in bringing visitors to your site, live chat will drive home any visitors that are direct there. While many of the other best SEO and PPC companies out there are great when it comes to getting visitors to your site, customers are often discouraged from following through with a sale because they have questions that aren’t answered. And let’s face it – a chat bot trying to convert a visitor into a customer with canned responses just does not cut it!

Using a live chat service will help keep them around. Live chat agents are online 24/7 andare  highly-trained so they can intelligently answer questions, and pass more sensitive questions on to management. Visitors to your site will get the support they need when they need it, regardless of the time of day or night.

Consider adding a chat service like Chat With Humans to your website as you are working toward integrating SEO and PPC – it’s a smart move that’s sure to convert visitors both now and in the future as a one-two punch in digital marketing.

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